U.S. Federal Agency Contract Vehicles

Awarding Agency Contract Name Contract Numbers
CFPB Consumer Education and Engagement Training and Technical Assistance BPA 9531CB19A0005
CFPB Research for Innovative Financial Education 9531CB20A0007
CNCS Americorps Multi-Year Evidence Building Expert Consultants BPA 95332A22A00003
CPSC Scientific Literature Research Services BPA 61320622A0005
CPSC Toxicological, Exposure, and Risk Assessments BPA 61320622A0005
DHS:ICE Scalable Ways to Initiate Flexible Tasks (SWIFT) IDIQ 70CTD022D00000012
DOD:Army Army Eagle Shield Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) BPA W52P1J-19-A-0025
DOD:Army C5ISR and High-Performance Computing Research and Development W911QX-18-D-0002
DOD:Navy Marine Corps Project Validation Assessments (PVAs) IDIQ H0721D0002
DOD:Navy Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (NIWC PAC) Cyberspace Science, Research, Engineering and Technology Integration Multiple Award Contract N6600119D3409
DOD:Navy SeaPort NxG N0017819D7791
DOE Third Party Administrator for DOE’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) And Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Rebate BPA 89303023ASE000001
DOE:EERE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Clean Cities Task Ordering Agreement AGR-2023-10117
DOE:EIA Energy Information Administration Omnibus Procurement 4 (EOP IV) IDIQ DEEI0002955
DOEd Education Grants Management Support Services (EDGMSS) BPA EDESE15A0005
DOEd Research Evaluation and Statistics Task Orders (presto) 91990023D0024
DOI:BLM National Planning and NEPA Support Services BPA 140L0623A0012
DOI:BLM NWCG Wildland Fire Incident Performance and Training Modernization Services BPA 140L0623A0006
DOI:BOEM Public Comment Processing and Analysis and Decision File Preparation Support Services BPA 140M0123A0001
DOI:NPS Sustainable Operations and Maintenance Branch (SOMB) BPA 140P2122A0008
DOL Technical Support for Regulatory Development and Other Legislative Initiatives BPA 1605C220A0002
DOL:CEO Chief Evaluation Office BPA 1605C223A0014
DOL:ETA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Technical Assistance BPA 1605C221A0006
DOT Software Engineering Support BPA for OST and Operating Administrations (except FAA) 693JJ320A000016
DOT:FHWA Environment and Realty Support Services Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (HEP) 693JJ322A000021
DOT:FHWA Infrastructure Research and Technology Deployment Program Support Services IDIQ 693JJ319D000015
DOT:FHWA National Highway Institute Operations Training IDIQ 693JJ320D000010
DOT:FHWA Office of Operations BPA 693JJ322A000004
DOT:FHWA Office of Policy & Governmental Affairs Technical Support Services BPA 693JJ322A000013
DOT:FHWA Technical and Program Support for Highway Policy Analysis IDIQ 693JJ319D000008
DOT:FHWA Transportation Planning IDIQ 693JJ321D000017
DOT:FTA Land Use and Economic Development Oversight Support BPA 69319522A000003
DOT:NHTSA Behavioral Safety Research for Traffic IDIQ DTNH2217D00035
DOT:PHMSA Regulatory Development and Support Services (200562) 693JK320A000006
EOP Comment Analysis, Peer Review Support, and Meeting Support BPA 11316022A0010EOP
EPA Analysis and Modeling of Mobile Source Fuels, Emissions, and Methods of Control IDIQ 68HERC21D0016
EPA Analytical, Technical, and Outreach Support for the Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Branch BPA 68HE0H18A0003
EPA Economic, Environmental, and Regulatory Analytical and Evaluation Support IDIQ 68HE0C18D0001
EPA Environmental Assistance Services Team (ESAT) Regions 3, 5, and 9 IDIQ 68HE0121D0002
EPA Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical and Hybrid (EARTH) BPA 68HERH22A0021
EPA EPA Programs for Energy Supply and End Use ID06200004004
EPA Human Health Microbiology and Toxicology Regulatory Support 68HERC23D0003
EPA Mission Support for EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program BPA 47QFDA20Q0004
EPA Support for Chemical Screening, Review, and Evaluation of New, Existing, and Safer Choice Chemical Substances 68HERC23D0007
EPA Support for NATA and Risk Assessment Activities within the Risk and Technology Program BPA 68HERD22A0001
EPA Technical and Outreach Support Services for Greenhouse Gas Program IDIQ 68HERH19D0029
EPA Technical Support for Human Health Risk Assessment IDIQ 68HERC19D0003
FCC Application Development Support Services IDIQ 273FCC22D0007
FCC TPSS IT Services BPA 273FCC20A0009
GSA CIO Modernization and Enterprise Transformation (COMET) BPA 47QDCB19A0005
GSA Facilities & Energy Management Program Support 47PB0123A0006
GSA Technology Transformation Services Organization’s Transformation Agile Lifecycle (TOTAL) BPA 47QPCA21A0007
HHS:ACF Data Analytics BPA 75ACF121A00007
HHS:ACF Office Of Community Service (OCS) Innovation, Integration, and Capacity Building IDIQ 75ACF121D00004
HHS:ASFR ASFR Financial Management Environment Modernization 75P00119F80217
HHS:ASPR Technical Resources Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE) BPA 75A50222A00004
HHS:CDC CDC Health Marketing Support Services (HMSS) BPA 2002015M88159
HHS:CDC Environmental Public Health Support Services for ATSDR Toxicological Profile Activities BPA 75D30123A17949
HHS:CDC Global Data and Technical Assistance 2 (GDATA2) Services BPA 75D30122A15014
HHS:CDC Human Resources Office (HRO) Advancing the Future of Work (FoW) at the CDC BPA 75D30120A07341
HHS:CDC Safe Healthcare, Epidemiology, and Prevention Research Development (SHEPheRD) IDIQ, Domain 3 IDIQ 75D30121D12746
HHS:CMS Data Analytics Supporting Healthcare (DASH) BPA 75FCMC22A0008
HHS:CMS Measure and Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) IDIQ 75FCMC18D0023
HHS:FDA Digital Services Center BPA 75F40120A00042
HHS:FDA Tobacco Products Dockets Management and Analysis BPA 75F40120A00041
HHS:HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Evaluation (HRSAEval) Studies and Evaluation-Related Services IDIQ 75R60219D00043
HHS:HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Technical Assistance (HRSATA) IDIQ 75R60219D00034
HHS:NIH Business and Professional Support Services (BPSS) III 75N98022D00035
HHS:NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) Communications and Digital Support for Mobile Health Resources BPA 75N91021A00002
HHS:NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) Biomedical Computing, Analytic and Data Management Services IDIQ 75N91021D00022
HHS:NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) Field and Biospecimen Support Services IDIQ 75N91022D00004
HHS:NIH NHLBI Communications Engagement and Education Support Services BPA II 75N92023A00013b
HHS:NIH NLM Collect and Curate to Transform and Accelerate Biomedical and Health Information Discovery 75N97023A00004
HHS:OCIO Technical Support Services to Support the HHS Office of the Chief Information Office BPA 75P00119A00090
HHS:PSC PSC Intelligent Automation/Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) IDIQ 75P00119D00062
HHS:SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) IDIQ 75S20322D00013
IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services Survey Research Services BPA 53987123A0002
NRC Licensing and Rulemaking Support IDIQ 31310020D0011
SEC ONE Office of Information Technology (OIT) IDIQ 50310219D0005
Treasury:CDFI IT Support Services for AMIS and Associated Systems BPA 20340620A00001
Treasury:IRS Customer Experience Research BPA 2032H821A00002
Treasury:IRS Enterprise Business Solutions Applications Development and Sustainment Services (ADSS) BPA 2032H521A00024
USAID Regional Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Mechanism for Southern Africa IDIQ 72067419D00004
USDA:AMS AMS Electronic Perishable Agricultural Commodities ACT (ePACA) ServiceNow Support BPA 12639523A0037
USDA:FNS Analytical Support for Regulation Development BPA 12319821A0003
USDA:FS Content Analysis and Comment Management Support Services BPA 12318720A0008

ICF Contact

Mark Youman, Senior Vice President
Phone: +1.703.934.3658
Email: gsa-gwacs@7858a.com

Sanjeev Hirani, Director of GSA Contracts
Phone: +1.703.225.5692
Email: gsa-gwacs@7858a.com